Bell Eapen MD, PhD.

Bringing Digital health & Gen AI research to life!

Medprompt: How to architect LLM solutions for healthcare.

Leveraging the power of advanced machine learning, particularly large language models (LLMs), has increasingly become a transformative element in healthcare and medicine. The applications of LLMs in healthcare are multifaceted, showing immense potential to improve patient outcomes, streamline administrative tasks, and foster medical research and innovation.

Medprompt: How to architect LLM solutions for healthcare.
Image Credit: David S. Soriano, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Architecting LLM solutions in the healthcare domain is challenging because of the intricacies associated with healthcare data and the complex nature of healthcare applications. In this post, I will give some recommendations based on the widely popular LangChain library, giving some examples.

The first step is to define the overarching problem you are trying to solve. It can be broad as in getting the right information about a patient to the doctor. Next, subdivide the problem into subproblems that can be tackled separately. For example in the above case, we need to find the patient’s health record, convert it into an easily searchable form (embedding), find areas of interest in the record and generate a summary or an answer to the specific question. Next, find solutions for each problem that may or may not require an LLM. Finally, design the orchestrator that can stitch everything together.

LangChain has some useful abstractions that will help in the last two steps. If the solution does not involve an LLM and mostly involves data retrieval and transformations, use the tool abstraction. If you need one or more LLM calls to achieve it, use the chain abstraction. Agents are the orchestrators that can stitch everything together. It is important to carefully craft the prompts for the chains and agents. Rigorous testing is vital. This includes technical performance and validation of the model’s recommendations by healthcare professionals to ensure they are accurate and clinically relevant.

MEDPrompt coming soon!

Named Entity Recognition using LLMs: a cTakes alternative?

TLDR: The targeted distillation method described may be useful for creating an LLM-based cTakes alternative for Named Entity Recognition. However, the recipe is not available yet. 

Image credit: Wikimedia

Named Entity Recognition is essential in clinical documents because it enhances patient safety, supports efficient healthcare workflows, aids in research and analytics, and ensures compliance with regulations. It enables healthcare organizations to harness the valuable information contained in clinical documents for improved patient care and outcomes. 

Though Large Language Models (LLMs) can perform Named Entity Recognition (NER), the capability can be improved by fine-tuning, where you provide the model with input text that contains named entities and their associated labels. The model learns to recognize these entities and classify them into predefined categories. However, as described before fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) is challenging due to the need for substantial, high-quality labelled data, the risk of overfitting on limited datasets, complex hyperparameter tuning, the requirement for computational resources, domain adaptation difficulties, ethical considerations, the interpretability of results, and the necessity of defining appropriate evaluation metrics. 

Targeted distillation of Large Language Models (LLMs) is a process where a smaller model is trained to mimic the behaviour of a larger, pre-trained LLM but only for specific tasks or domains. It distills the essential knowledge of the LLM, making it more efficient and suitable for particular applications, reducing computational demands.  

This paper described targeted distillation with mission-focused instruction tuning to train student models that can excel in a broad application class. The authors present a general recipe for such targeted distillation from LLMs and demonstrate that for open-domain NER. Their recipe may be useful for creating efficient distilled models that can perform NER on clinical documents, a potential alternative to cTakes. Though the authors have open-sourced their generic UniversalNER model, they haven’t released the distillation recipe code yet. 

REF: Zhou, W., Zhang, S., Gu, Y., Chen, M., & Poon, H. (2023). UniversalNER: Targeted Distillation from Large Language Models for Open Named Entity Recognition. ArXiv. /abs/2308.03279 

Distilling LLMs to small task-specific models

Deploying large language models (LLMs) can be difficult because they require a lot of memory and computing power to run efficiently. Companies want to create smaller task-specific LLMs that are cheap and easy to deploy. Such small models may even be more interpretable, an important consideration in healthcare.

Distilling LLMs

Distilling LLMs refers to the process of training a smaller, more efficient model to mimic the behaviour of a larger, more complex LLM. This is done by training the smaller model on the same task as the larger model but using the predictions of the larger model as “soft targets” or guidance during training. The goal of distillation is to transfer the knowledge and capabilities of the larger model to the smaller model, without requiring the same level of computational resources.

Distilling step-by-step is an efficient distillation method proposed by Google that requires less amount of training data. The intuition is that the use of rationale generated by a chain of thought prompting along with labels during training, thereby framing it as multi-task learning, improves distillation performance. We can use ground truth labels or use a teacher LLM to generate the labels and rationale. Ground truth labels are the correct labels for the data, and they are typically obtained from human annotators. The rationale for each label can be generated by using the model to generate a short explanation for why the model predicted that label.

The paper on the method is here and the repository is here. I have converted the code from the original repository into a tool that can be used to distill any seq2seq model into a smaller model based on a generic schema. See the repository below. The original paper uses Google’s T5-v1 model, which is a large-scale language model that was developed by Google. It is part of the T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) family of models and is based on the Transformer architecture. You can find more open-source base models for distilling on huggingface. The next plan is to use this method to create a model that can predict the FHIR filter for this repository.

Distilling LLMs step by step!

I will update this post regularly with my findings and notes on distilling models. Also, please check out my post on NLP tools in healthcare.

Using OpenFaaS containers in Kubeflow 


OpenFaaS is an open-source framework for building serverless functions with containers. Serverless functions are pieces of code that are executed in response to a specific event, such as an HTTP request or a message being added to a queue. These functions are typically short-lived and only run when needed, which makes them a cost-effective and scalable way to build cloud-native applications. OpenFaaS makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage serverless functions. OpenFaaS CLI minimizes the need to write boilerplate code. You can write code in any supported language and deploy it to any cloud provider. It provides a set of base containers that encapsulates the ‘function’ with a webserver that exposes its HTTP service on port 8080 (incidentally the default port for Google Cloud Run). OpenFaaS containers can be directly deployed on Google Cloud Run and with the faas CLI on any cloud provider. 

OpenFaaS ® – Serverless Functions Made Simple


Kubeflow is a toolkit for building and deploying machine learning models on Kubernetes. Kubeflow is designed to make it easy to build, deploy, and manage end-to-end machine learning pipelines, from data preparation and model training to serving predictions and implementing custom logic. It can be used with any machine learning framework or library. Google’s Vertex AI platform can run Kubeflow pipelines. Kubeflow pipeline components are self-contained code that can perform a step in the machine learning workflow. They are packaged as a docker container and pushed to a container registry that the Kubernetes cluster can access. A Kubeflow component is a containerized command line application that takes input and output as command line arguments.  

OpenFaaS containers expose HTTP services, while Kubeflow containers provide CLI services. That introduces the possibility of tweaking OpenFaaS containers to support CLI invocation, making the same containers usable as Kubeflow components. Below I explain how a minor tweak in the OpenFaaS templates can enable this. 

Let me take the OpenFaaS golang template as an example. The same principle applies to other language templates as well. In the golang-middleware’s main.go, the following lines set the main route and start the server. This exposes the function as a service when the container is deployed on Cloud Run.

	http.HandleFunc("/", function.Handle),  

	listenUntilShutdown(s, healthInterval, writeTimeout) 

I have added the following lines [see on GitHub] that expose the same function on the command line for Kubeflow.  

	if len(os.Args) < 2 {,  

		listenUntilShutdown(s, healthInterval, writeTimeout) 

	} else { 

		dat, _ := os.ReadFile(os.Args[1]) 

		_dat := function.HandleFile(dat) 

		_ = os.WriteFile(os.Args[2], _dat, 0777) 


If the input and output file names are supplied on the command line as in kubeflow, it reads from and writes to those files. The kubeflow component definition is as below: 

    image: <image:version>
    command: [
        'mkdir --parents $(dirname "$1") && /home/app/handler "$0" "$1"',
    args: [{inputPath: Input 1}, {outputPath: Output 1}]

With this simple tweak, we can use the same container to host the function on any cloud provider as serverless functions and Kubeflow components.  You can pull the modified template from the repo below.

Open-source for healthcare

This post is meant to be an instruction guide for healthcare professionals who would like to join my projects on GitHub.

eHealth Programmer Girl

What is a contribution?

Contribution is not always coding. You can clean up stuff, add documentation, instructions for others to follow etc. Issues and feature requests should be posted under the ‘issues’ tab and general discussions under the ‘Discussions’ tab if one is available.

How do I contribute.

How do I develop

  • The .devcontainer folder will have the configuration for the docker container for development.
  • Version bump action (if present) will automatically bump version based on the following terms in a commit message: major/minor/patch. Avoid these words in the commit message unless you want to trigger the action.
  • Most repositories have GH actions to generate and deploy documentation and changelog.

What do I do next

  • My repositories (so far) are small enough for beginners to get the big picture and make meaningful contributions.
  • Don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes. That is how we all learn.

There’s no better time than now to choose a repo to contribute!

Clinical knowledge representation for reuse

The need for computerized clinical decision support is becoming increasingly obvious with the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial emphasis has been on ‘replacing’ the clinician which for a variety of reasons is impossible or impractical. Pragmatically, clinical decision support systems could provide clinical knowledge support for clinicians to make time-sensitive decisions with whatever information they have at the point of patient care.

Siobhán Grayson, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Providing clinical decision support requires some formal way of representing clinical knowledge and complex algorithms for sophisticated inference. In knowledge management terms, the information requires to be transformed into actionable knowledge. Knowledge needs to be represented and stored in a way conducive to easy inference (knowledge reuse)​1​. I have been exploring this domain for a considerable period of time, from ontologies to RDF datasets. With the advent of popular graph databases (especially Neo4J ), this seems to be a good knowledge representation method for clinical purposes.

To cut a long story short, I have been working on building a suite of JAVA libraries to support knowledge extraction, annotation and transformation to a graph schema for inference. I have not open-source it yet as I have not decided on what license to use. However, I am posting some preliminary information here to assess interest. Please give me a shout, if you share an interest or see some potential applications for this. As always, I am open to collaboration.

The JAVA package consists of three modules. The ‘library’ module wraps the NCBI’s E-Utils API to harvest published article abstracts if that is your knowledge source. Though data extraction from the clinical notes in EMR’s is a recent trend, it is challenging because of unstructured data and lack of interoperability. The ‘qtakes’ module provides a programmable interface to my quick-ctakes or the quarkus based apache ctakes, a fast clinical text annotation engine. Finally, the graph module provides the Neo4J models, repositories and services for abstracting as a knowledge graph.

The clinical knowledge graph (ckb) consists of entities such as Disease, Treatment and Anatomy and appropriate relationships and cypher queries are defined. The module exposes services that can be consumed by JAVA applications. It will be available as a maven artifact once I complete it.

UPDATE: May 30, 2021: The library (ckblib) is now available under MPL 2.0 license (see below). Feel free to use it in your research.

Tools to create a clinical knowledge graph from biomedical literature. Includes wrappers for NCBI Eutils, cTakes annotator and Neo4J
4 forks.
14 stars.
9 open issues.

Recent commits:

  1. 1.
    Toward a Theory of Knowledge Reuse: Types of Knowledge Reuse Situations and Factors in Reuse Success. Journal of Management Information Systems. Published online May 31, 2001:57-93. doi:10.1080/07421222.2001.11045671
Cite this article as: Eapen BR. (April 28, 2021). - Clinical knowledge representation for reuse. Retrieved April 20, 2024, from

FHIR and public health data warehouses

First posted on

The provincial government is building a connected health care system centred around patients, families and caregivers through the newly established OHTs. As disparate healthcare and public health teams move towards a unified structure, there is a growing need to reconsider our information system strategy. Most off the shelf solutions are pricey, while open-source solutions such as DHIS2 is not popular in Canada. Some of the public health units have existing systems, and it will be too resource-intensive to switch to another system. The interoperability challenge needs an innovative solution, beyond finding the single, provincial EMR.

artificial intelligence

We have written about the theoretical aspects, especially the need to envision public health information systems separate from an EMR. In this working paper, we propose a maturity model for PHIS and offer some pragmatic recommendations for dealing with the common challenges faced by public health teams. 

Below is a demo project on GitHub from the data-intel lab that showcases a potential solution for a scalable data warehouse for health information system integration. Public health databases are vital for the community for efficient planning, surveillance and effective interventions. Public health data needs to be integrated at various levels for effective policymaking. PHIS-DW adopts FHIR as the data model for storage with the integrated Elasticsearch stack. Kibana provides the visualization engine. PHIS-DW can support complex algorithms for disease surveillance such as machine learning methods, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian to multivariate analytics. PHIS-DW is work in progress and code contributions are welcome. We intend to use Bunsen to integrate PHIS-DW with Apache Spark for big data applications. 

FHIR has some advantages as a data persistence schema for public health. Apart from its popularity, the FHIR bundle makes it possible to send observations to FHIR servers without the associated patient resource, thereby ensuring reasonable privacy. This is especially useful in the surveillance of pandemics such as COVID19. Some useful yet complicated integrations with OSCAR EMR and DHIS2 is under consideration. If any of the OHTs find our approach interesting, give us a shout. 

BTW, have you seen Drishti, our framework for FHIR based behavioural intervention? 

NLP for Clinical Notes – Tools and Techniques

Clinicians add clinical notes to the EMR on each visit. The clinical notes are unstructured in most cases and can benefit from NLP (natural language processing) tools and techniques. Some are created by dictation software or by medical scribes. Family physicians and family practice-centric EMRs like OSCAR EMR rely on unstructured clinical notes.

natural language processing
NLP for Clinical Notes

Clinical notes, because of the unstructured nature is difficult to analyze for statistical insights. Besides, the notes may require further processing for billing and for generating problem charts. The analysis is becoming increasingly important for quality assessments as well.

NLP can be useful in automated analysis of clinical notes. Here I have listed some of the open-source tools (some maintained by me) for such automated analysis of clinical notes.

Apache cTakes for NLP

Apache cTakes (clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System) is one of the first open-source NLP systems that extract clinical information from electronic health record unstructured text. Though it is relatively slow, it is still widely used. I have packaged it as a Quarkus application, that is fast. Quarkus (Supersonic Subatomic Java) is designed primarily for docker containers and the quarkus based containers are easy to be deployed and scaled using platforms such as Kubernetes.

SpaCy and related tools for NLP

SpaCy is an open-source python library for NLP. It features NER, POS tagging, dependency parsing, word vectors and is widely used. But spacy is not designed for clinical workflows and may not be directly usable. Scispacy is SpaCy pipeline and models for scientific/biomedical documents trained on biomedical data. MedaCy is a healthcare-specific NLP framework built over spaCy to support the fast prototyping, training, and application of medical NLP models. One of the advantages of Medacy is that it is fast and lightweight.


Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), is a set of files and software that brings together biomedical vocabularies for health information systems. UMLS provides a set of RESTful APIs for licensed users. I have created a JavaScript wrapper for the UMLS APIs that are easy to be called from JavaScript programs. It is available from the npm package repository. See the update on UmlsBERT below.


Medical  Concept Annotation Tool (MedCAT) is a relatively new tool for extraction and linking of terms from vocabularies such as UMLS and SNOMED for free text in EMRs. The paper describing MedCAT is here. MedCAT models can be further refined by training on a domain-specific corpus of text. MedCAT is fast and very useful.

Word Embeddings for NLP

A word embedding is a weighted model for text where words that have the same meaning have a similar weight. It is one of the most popular methods of deep learning for NLP problems. Word2Vec is a method to construct embeddings and the word2vec model based on the entire Wikipedia corpus is available for use. This paper describes the creation of a clinical concept embedding based on a large corpus of clinical documents. I have created a gensim wrapper for this model that can be used for concept similarity search in python.

BERT and related

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) is a technique for NLP pre-training developed by Google. Here is the highly cited official paper. BERT has replaced embeddings as the most successful NLP technique in most domains including healthcare. Some of the refined BERT models used in healthcare are BioBERT and ClinicalBERT.

It is vital to deploy these models in a scalable and maintainable manner to be available for use within EMR systems. We are working on such a framework called ‘Serverless on FHIR’. Give me a shout if you want to know more.

UPDATE: May 30, 2021: The library (ckblib) is now available under MPL 2.0 license (see below). Feel free to use it in your research.

Dark Mode

ckblib (this link opens in a new window) by dermatologist (this link opens in a new window)

Tools to create a clinical knowledge graph from biomedical literature. Includes wrappers for NCBI Eutils, cTakes annotator and Neo4J

Update (Dec 2020):

Researchers from the University of Waterloo have introduced the novel concept of UmlsBERT. Current clinical embedding such as BioBERT described above are generic models, trained further on clinical corpora applying the concept of transfer learning. Most biomedical ontologies such as UMLS define the hierarchies of concepts defined in them. UmlsBERT makes use of these hierarchical group information at the pre-training stage for augmenting the clinical concept embeddings. Table 3 in the paper compares the results with other embeddings, and it is quite impressive. The GitHub repo is here
Way to go George Michalopoulos and team!

Update (Mar 2021):

Create a chatbot to talk to an FHIR endpoint using conversational AI!

Update (May 2022):

ICDBigBird: A Contextual Embedding Model for ICD Code Classification:

How to deploy an h2o ai model using OpenFaaS on Digitalocean in 2 minutes

H2O is an open-source, distributed and scalable machine learning platform written in JAVA. H2O supports many of the statistical & machine learning algorithms, including gradient boosted machines, generalized linear models, deep learning and more.  OpenFaaS® (Functions as a Service) is a framework for building Serverless functions easily with Docker. Read my previous post to learn more about OpenFaaS and DO. 

H2O AI model deployment

H2O has a module aptly named sparkling water that allows users to combine the machine learning algorithms of H2O with the capabilities of Spark. Integrating these two open-source environments provides a seamless experience for users who want to make a query using Spark SQL, feed the results into H2O to build a model and make predictions, and then use the results again in Spark. For any given problem, better interoperability between tools provides a better experience.

H2O Driverless AI is a commercial package for automatic machine learning that automates some of the most difficult data science and machine learning workflows such as feature engineering, model validation, model tuning, model selection, and model deployment. H2O also has a popular open-source module called AutoML that automates the process of training a large selection of candidate models. H2O’s AutoML can be used for automating the machine learning workflow, which includes automatic training and tuning of many models within a user-specified time-limit. AutoML makes hyperparameter tuning accessible to everyone.

H2O allows you to convert the models to either a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) or a Model Object or an Optimized (MOJO) that can be easily embeddable in any Java environment. The only compilation and runtime dependency for a generated model is the h2o-genmodel.jar file produced as the build output of these packages. You can read more about deploying h2o models here.

I have created an OpenFaaS template for deploying the exported MOJO file using a base java container and the dependencies defined in the gradle build file. Using the OpenFaaS CLI (How to Install) pull my template as below:

mkdir watersplash
cd watersplash

faas-cli template pull --prefix your-docker-uname

faas-cli new --lang java-h2o watersplash

Copy the exported MOJO zip file to the root folder along with build.gradle and settings.gradle. Make appropriate changes to as per the needs of the model, as explained here. Add http://digitaloceanIP:8080 to watersplash.yml

  	name: openfaas
  	gateway: http://digitaloceanIP:8080

and finally:

 faas-cli up -f watersplash.yml

That’s it! Congratulations! Your model is up and running! Access it at http://digitaloceanIP:8080/function/watersplash

If you get stuck at any stage, give me a shout below. 

DHIS2 and longitudinal health records: Connecting systems to get the best of both worlds!

DHIS2 is a health information system that revolutionized the way healthcare data is managed. It is open source and is a byproduct of a multinational action research project initiated from Oslo and first implemented in India. 1Currently, DHIS2 is the world’s largest health management information system (HMIS) platform, in use by 67 low and middle-income countries. 2.28 billion (30% of the world’s population) people live in countries where DHIS2 is used.

DHIS2 is a public health information system (PHIS) where the unit of management is a group or a geographical region and not individuals. It is unfortunate that this distinction between a typical EMR (a longitudinal health record) and a public health information system to manage population health is not clear to many policymakers.

The growing popularity of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications make the PH agencies rethink their data management strategies. A longitudinal health record is essential for most ML and AI applications for creating complex predictive models. PH agencies are gradually realizing the importance of data warehouses in managing the changing healthcare data management applications and workflows. Hence, the next generation of public health information systems should be able to efficiently handle longitudinal as well as group/cross-sectional data.

The easiest strategy to adopt may be to make existing PHIS systems talk to each other by leveraging the recent advances in health information exchange. HL7 may not be ideal for this purpose as it relies on a patient-centric model. FHIR may be more capable to deal with this, but the underlying REST interface may not support real-time data exchange.

RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka are industry standard open-source messaging frameworks that can be leveraged for real-time communication between disparate systems such as DHIS2 and OSCAR EMR / OpenMRS. DHIS2 supports both out of the box, and I have modified the DHIS2 docker container optimized for message exchange. A sample Java client is also available from my fork. The repo is here.

If you have ideas/want to work on creating DHIS2 connectors for EMRs like OSCAR EMR or OpenMRS, please comment below. OpenMRS has an existing module that can pull certain reports from DHIS2.


Braa, Monteiro, Sahay. Networks of Action: Sustainable Health Information Systems across Developing Countries. M. 2004;28(3):337. doi:10.2307/25148643