This post is meant to be an instruction guide for healthcare professionals who would like to join my projects on GitHub.

eHealth Programmer Girl

What is a contribution?

Contribution is not always coding. You can clean up stuff, add documentation, instructions for others to follow etc. Issues and feature requests should be posted under the ‘issues’ tab and general discussions under the ‘Discussions’ tab if one is available.

How do I contribute.

How do I develop

  • The .devcontainer folder will have the configuration for the docker container for development.
  • Version bump action (if present) will automatically bump version based on the following terms in a commit message: major/minor/patch. Avoid these words in the commit message unless you want to trigger the action.
  • Most repositories have GH actions to generate and deploy documentation and changelog.

What do I do next

  • My repositories (so far) are small enough for beginners to get the big picture and make meaningful contributions.
  • Don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes. That is how we all learn.

There’s no better time than now to choose a repo to contribute!

Bell Eapen
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