Bell Eapen MD, PhD.

Bringing Digital health & Gen AI research to life!

LLM-in-the Loop CQL execution 

TL;DR: I have added experimental support for using LLMs to interpret DocumentReference-based definitions in CQL of the type:

define HasVisualFootExamThisMonth: 
[DocumentReference] D 
where D.status.value = ‘current’ 

 (Read Part I here)

CQL - Clinical Quality Language

Clinical Quality Language (CQL)

Image credit: Grufo, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

CQL is a domain-specific language that allows clinicians and researchers to express queries and retrieve data from electronic health records (EHRs) in a standardized and interoperable way. CQL can be used to define clinical quality measures, decision support rules, cohort identification criteria, and other clinical logic. Though CQL can be based on the HL7 FHIR standard, which defines a common data model and terminology for health information, the language itself is schema-independent. CQL aims to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare by enabling the reuse and sharing of clinical knowledge across different systems and platforms. Here is an example.

CQL is a high-level language that needs to be translated into a lower-level language that can be executed. To facilitate this process, CQL supports a mechanism for transforming CQL expressions into an intermediate representation called Expression Logical Model (ELM). ELM is a platform-independent XML/JSON format that preserves the semantics and structure of CQL expressions but removes the syntactic variations and ambiguities of natural languages. ELM can then be converted into executable formats such as SQL or FHIRPath, depending on the target data source and system. This way, CQL to ELM translation enables the portability and interoperability of clinical queries across different platforms and environments. Here is an example.

CQL can leverage FHIRPath to express queries over FHIR resources in a consistent and interoperable way. However, FHIRPath alone is not sufficient to handle the semantic variations and complexity of clinical data. For example, different systems may use different codes or terminologies to represent the same concept, such as diabetes or foot exam. To address this issue, CQL supports the use of terminology services, which are external services that provide mappings and translations between different code systems and value sets. CQL can invoke terminology services to resolve the codes and values used in the queries and align them with the ones used in the data source. This way, CQL can execute queries over FHIR data using both syntactic and semantic interoperability. 

One limitation of FHIRPath-based CQL execution is that it cannot handle assertions in the FHIR DocumentReference resource. I have forked the nodejs CQL execution engine to add a hook that can call an LLM when it encounters a DocumentReference here: 

I will post a link to an end-to-end application that uses this hook. Also, I have added experimental support for other FHIR servers to the VSAC enabled code service engine. Do comment below, if you find this useful and use it for your project! 

Clinical Query Language – Part 1

Clinical Query Language (CQL) is a high-level query language to represent and generate unambiguous quality measures or clinical decision rules. I am not a CQL expert. These are my notes from a system development perspective. I am trying to make sense of this emerging concept and add my notes here in the hope that others may find this useful.

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Warrant Officer 4 Seth Rossman. / Public domain (wikimedia)

Clinical Query Language is designed to be intuitive for clinicians authoring the queries for quality measures and clinical decision support. The decision support rules are mostly alert type rules at the individual and population level that is calculated from a database (not usually diagnostic decision support). You can use any data model with CQL.

Here is an example segment of CQL:

define “InDemographic”:
AgeInYearsAt(start of MeasurementPeriod) >= 16 and AgeInYearsAt(start of MeasurementPeriod) < 24
and “Patient”.”gender” in “Female Administrative Sex”

As Clinical Query Language follows strict semantics, you can autogenerate lexers, parsers and visitors using ANTLR. In simple terms, CQL’s semantics can be represented as a ‘grammar’ that ANTLR can read and generate code to process any CQL in a variety of programming languages, including Java, Javascript, Python, C# and Go. The CQL grammar files are here: Incidentally, CQL grammar inherits from fhirpath.

If you wish to generate code from these files, there are two things to note:

  • You need to rename CQL.g4 to cql.g4 as the library names are case-sensitive and should correspond to the filename.
  • Put fhirpath.g4 in the same folder as cql.g4, and cql refers to fhirpath grammar.

Clinical Query Language aims to provide a high-level domain-independent language for clinicians that can be translated into low-level database logic. As CQL does not prescribe a data model, an intermediary format linking CQL to the data management logic is required. That is called the Expression Logical Model (ELM) which we will discuss in part 2.

Update: cql-exec-vsac is a VSAC-enabled code service for the JavaScript CQL Execution project. This allows the CQL Execution Engine to execute CQL containing references to Value Sets that are published in the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Value Set Authority Center (VSAC). I have added a feature that adds support for any FHIR server other than VSAC to support private terminology servers. Check it out!


TL;DR Below is an open-source common-line tool for converting an OHDSI OMOP cohort (defined in ATLAS) to a FHIR bundle and vice versa.

Wikimedia commons: Copyright held by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha (web:, email:; Unknown photographer / CC BY-SA (

OHDSI OMOP CDM is one of the most popular clinical data models for health data warehouses. The simple, but clinically motivated data structure is intuitively appealing to clinicians leading to its good adoption. In this respect, it has overtaken HL7-V3 which is more robust but has a steeper learning curve, especially for clinicians. The OHDSI OMOP CDM is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for drug monitoring.

FHIR is emerging as the defacto standard for health system interoperability, owing largely to its simplicity and the use of existing and popular standards such as REST. As NoSQL databases become more and popular in healthcare, FHIR can also be a good persistence schema. It aligns well with search technologies such as elasticsearch.

As both standards are popular, conversion from one to the other may be commonly required. Researchers at Georgia Tech have an open-source tool – GT-FHIR2 – for mapping an existing OHDSI OMOP CDM database as FHIR endpoint. However, conversion between existing systems may not be easy with a full-stack solution. 

I have a simpler solution that I believe will be useful in the following scenarios:

  • To export a cohort to a FHIR based analytics tool.
  • To load new resources to OMOP CDM databases for incremental ETL.

Omopfhirmap is a command-line tool for mapping a OHDSI cohort, defined in ATLAS, to a FHIR bundle that can be optionally submitted to a FHIR server for processing. Conversely, it can process a FHIR bundle and add resources to an existing CDM database ignoring duplicates. Unlike GT-FHIR2, the OMOP on FHIR Project at Georgia Tech omopfhirmap does not expose OMOP database as FHIR endpoints. 

I have used spring-boot and JPA for easy wiring of services and abstraction of database and the hapi-fhir as it is an obvious choice for any java based FHIR applications. It is still a work in progress and any help will be appreciated (Refer to

FHIR and public health data warehouses

First posted on

The provincial government is building a connected health care system centred around patients, families and caregivers through the newly established OHTs. As disparate healthcare and public health teams move towards a unified structure, there is a growing need to reconsider our information system strategy. Most off the shelf solutions are pricey, while open-source solutions such as DHIS2 is not popular in Canada. Some of the public health units have existing systems, and it will be too resource-intensive to switch to another system. The interoperability challenge needs an innovative solution, beyond finding the single, provincial EMR.

artificial intelligence

We have written about the theoretical aspects, especially the need to envision public health information systems separate from an EMR. In this working paper, we propose a maturity model for PHIS and offer some pragmatic recommendations for dealing with the common challenges faced by public health teams. 

Below is a demo project on GitHub from the data-intel lab that showcases a potential solution for a scalable data warehouse for health information system integration. Public health databases are vital for the community for efficient planning, surveillance and effective interventions. Public health data needs to be integrated at various levels for effective policymaking. PHIS-DW adopts FHIR as the data model for storage with the integrated Elasticsearch stack. Kibana provides the visualization engine. PHIS-DW can support complex algorithms for disease surveillance such as machine learning methods, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian to multivariate analytics. PHIS-DW is work in progress and code contributions are welcome. We intend to use Bunsen to integrate PHIS-DW with Apache Spark for big data applications. 

FHIR has some advantages as a data persistence schema for public health. Apart from its popularity, the FHIR bundle makes it possible to send observations to FHIR servers without the associated patient resource, thereby ensuring reasonable privacy. This is especially useful in the surveillance of pandemics such as COVID19. Some useful yet complicated integrations with OSCAR EMR and DHIS2 is under consideration. If any of the OHTs find our approach interesting, give us a shout. 

BTW, have you seen Drishti, our framework for FHIR based behavioural intervention? 

Drishti: An mHealth platform for pervasive health monitoring

TL;DR: Here is an open-source mHealth framework based on FHIR! and here is the paper and my presentation at ICSE!

Pervasive health monitoring is becoming less and less intrusive with better sensors, and more and more useful with machine learning and predictive analytics.

mHealth (mobile health) could play an important part in pervasive health monitoring. It is difficult for clinicians to efficiently use the data from disparate apps that do not communicate with each other. For example, if a clinician has to monitor a patient’s blood sugar, blood pressure and physical activity, the clinician may have to check data from multiple apps. Another challenge is the difficulty in communicating clinical requirements to app developers and it is difficult to test and approve the clinical validity of these apps. Besides, there are always privacy and security concerns with personal health information.

Open mHealth is a framework introduced to manage the problem of interoperability between apps. It is an open-source project. Open mHealth project provides interfaces for cloud services such as GoogleFit and Fitbit and converts the data into a common data format. BIT model deals with the communication problem between clinicians and developers during app development. Drishti incorporates Open mHealth framework into the BIT model using FHIR as the common data model.

The BIT model is based on the Sense-Plan-Act paradigm from robotics. The BIT model encourages conceptualizing mHealth apps as three distinct components: Profilers that sense data on various physiological parameters such as blood pressure, planners that create a clinical intervention plan and actors that deliver the plan to the users as alerts or messages on their mobile devices. Drishti adopts the BIT model as a design model with all components sharing a central data repository. Drishti makes sharing of information with the doctors easy, by integrating it into an EMR. The central data repository also makes big data applications possible.

The central data repository in Drishti uses FHIR schema for storage. FHIR is a schema for health data created by HL7 that defines ‘Resources’ that can be exchanged as json or xml using RESTful interfaces. Resources support 80% of common use cases and the rest can be supported using extensions. For example, age and gender are defined for a Patient resource, while skin type that is not commonly used is defined through an extension if required. Drishti uses the ‘Observation’ resource for storing data from profilers and the ‘CarePlan’ resource for the planner and actor components.

Open mHealth is the profiler in Drishti. All data from the various cloud services are converted to FHIR Observations and stored in the Drishti-Cog. The Drishti-Planner can take data stored in the cog and create a careplan and the actor can deliver it to the patient. Drishti uses OpenMRS EMR for managing access, both for clinicians and patients. We have developed an OpenMRS module for integration with Drishti. The javascript visualization library called hGraph provides a consolidated view of the data pulled from sensors to the clinician.

In the current implementation, the cog is a FHIR server based on the HAPI java library. Planner and actor components are just stubs that can be extended for several use cases. The planner is a python flask app and the viewer is a Vue App that can be used as a native mobile app. Both are templates that can be extended. The entire stack is available on GitHub along with pre-built Docker containers for quick prototyping.

Here is a typical use case. Depression is a common mental health problem, characterized by loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy. Patients with depression are typically treated with anti-depressant drugs. The clinicians need to track the patient’s activity to assess progress along with medication compliance. The patient can use an activity tracker app and a medication tracker app, both sending data to the cog as FHIR observations. The clinicians can have a consolidated view in their EMR and create alerts or messages (plan) that can be delivered to the patient’s mobile device. The interventions can also be created by AI systems.

Drishti was presented at Software Engineering in Healthcare conference in Montreal and selected for FHIR devdays. Please cite Drishti as below:

Bell Raj Eapen, Norm Archer, Kamran Sartipi, and Yufei Yuan. 2019. Drishti: a sense-plan-act extension to open mHealth framework using FHIR. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Healthcare (SEH ’19). IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 49-52. DOI:

 author = {Eapen, Bell Raj and Archer, Norm and Sartipi, Kamran and Yuan, Yufei},
 title = {Drishti: A Sense-plan-act Extension to Open mHealth Framework Using FHIR},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Healthcare},
 series = {SEH '19},
 year = {2019},
 location = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada},
 pages = {49--52},
 numpages = {4},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1109/SEH.2019.00016},
 acmid = {3353974},
 publisher = {IEEE Press},
 address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
 keywords = {FHIR, interoperability, mHealth},

Serverless on FHIR: Management guidelines for the semi-technical clinician!

Serverless is the new kid on the block with services such as AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions or Microsoft Azure Functions. Essentially it lets users deploy a function (Function As A Service or FaaS) on the cloud with very little effort. Requirements such as security, privacy, scaling, and availability are taken care of by the framework itself. As healthcare slowly yet steadily progress towards machine learning and AI, serverless is sure to make a significant impact on Health IT. Here I will explain serverless (and some related technologies) for the semi-technical clinicians and put forward some architectural best practices for using serverless in healthcare with FHIR as the data interchange format.

artificial intelligence
Serverless on FHIR

Let us say, your analyst creates a neural network model based on a few million patient records that can predict the risk for MI from BP, blood sugar, and exercise. Let us call this model r = f(bp, bs, e). The model is so good that you want to use it on a regular basis on your patients and better still, you want to share it with your colleagues. So you contact your IT team to make this happen.

This is what your IT guys currently do: First, they create a web application that can take bp, bs and e as inputs using a standard interface such as REST and return r. Next, they rent a virtual machine (VM) from a cloud provider (such as DigitalOcean). Then they convert this application into a container (docker) and deploy it in the VM. You now can use this as an application from your browser (chrome) or your EMR (such as OpenMRS or OSCAR) can directly access this function. You can share it with your colleagues and they can access it in their browsers and you are happy. The VM can support up to 3 users at a time.

In a couple of months, your algorithm becomes so popular that at any one time hundreds of users try to access it and your poor VM crashes most of the time or your users have to wait forever. So you call your IT guys again for a solution. They make 100 copies of your container, but your hospital is reluctant to give you the additional funding required.

Your smart resident notices that your application is being used only in the morning hours and in the night all the 100 containers are virtually sleeping. This is not a good use of the funding dollars. You contact your IT guys again, and they set up Kubernetes for orchestrating the containers according to usage. So, what is Serverless? Serverless is a framework that makes all these so easy that you may not even need your IT guys to do this. (Well, maybe that is an exaggeration)

My personal favourite serverless toolset (if you care) is Kubernetes + Knative + riff. I don’t try to explain what the last two are or how to use them. They are so new that they keep changing every day. In essence, your IT team can complete all the above tasks with few commands typed on the command line on the cloud provider of your choice. The application (function rather) can even scale to zero! (You don’t pay anything when nobody uses it and add more containers as users increase, scaling down in the night as in your case).

Best Practices

What are the best practices when you design such useful cloud-based ‘functions’ for healthcare that can be shared by multiple users and organizations? Well, here are my two cents!

First, you need a standard for data exchange. As JSON is the data format for most APIs, FHIR wins hands down here.

Next, APIs need a mechanism to expose their capabilities and properties to the world. For example, r = f(bp, bs, e) needs to tell everyone what it accepts (bp, bs, e) and what it returns (at the bare minimum). FHIR has a resource specifically for this that has been (not so creatively) named as an Endpoint. So, a function endpoint should return a FHIR Endpoint resource with information about itself if there is no payload.

What should the payload be? Payload should be a FHIR Bundle that has all the FHIR Resources that the function needs (bp, bs and e as FHIR Observations in your case). The bundle should also include a FHIR Subscription resource that points to the receiving system (maybe your EMR) for the response ( r ).

So, what next?

Take the phone and call your IT team. Tell them to take
Kubernetes + Knative + riff for a spin! I might do the same and if I do, I will share it here. And last but not the least, click on the blue buttons below! 🙂


CDS-Hooks specification describes a “hook”-based pattern for invoking decision support from within a clinician’s EHR workflow.